Meg Weber

Tell us your story.

Hmm. this is a tough question to answer. It was a truly fluid process but it all really began with my interest in film. As a film making student, a transition to video art meant a lot more creativity was available at a low barrier to entry. After several years in analog video digital streaming became available and innovative. As an outcome of this desire to share info we started an Internet Service Provider in 1999 that developed websites and hosted access for over 40,000 subscribers.

What do you most want other women and young girls to know about being a woman in our digital culture?

It's ok to be wrong. Everyone makes mistakes. Go confidently forward. Test. Fail Quickly. Recover and learn. Be gentle and kind with yourself but expect big things.

I think too often what holds many of the women I know back in their early careers is that intrinsically we don't want to fail. We want to be pleasing and approach everything with a high level of confidence. It took me at least 15 years in my career to learn to fail quickly and be ok with that. The more comfortable you are with acknowledging when something is not working quickly the more capable you are of tweaking your strategy for long term success. It's ok to be wrong. But you've got to give yourself the space to get to a right.

The Women in Tech campaign exists to help redefine what women in technology means in the 21st century. Started independently by a group of professional women who, after many impassioned discussions about women in tech knew we wanted to expand this definition beyond 'traditional' technology skills. To us, it includes most every current, emerging or evolving role within an organization. By featuring leaders and emerging leaders across industries who embody this we hope to collectively 'stand up', be proud of our place in the digital world and inspire young women or those new to the 'tech space' to get involved.