Julie Weber
My role as a leader is to inspire, not to hold others back.
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Roshawnna Novellus
Roshawnna Novellus (CEO) is well-versed in the use of crowdfunding techniques, having raised over $600,000 in donations and scholarships to pay for her college education.
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Melanie Charlton
'Your success is directly proportional to the number of difficult conversations you're willing to have'
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Taylor Poindexter
No one knows everything. And if they tell you they do, they're lying. One person may know way more than you in a particular subject, but best believe that you know something that they don't. So be confident, ask questions, and believe in yourself.
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Luisa Sucre
Rules for happiness: something to do, someone to love, something to hope for - (Immanuel Kant)
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Tania Lee
I get really excited about communities coming together to create change. I also deeply believe that underrepresented communities should be at the helm of building the services, technologies, and cultures that will make the most positive social impact.
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Molly Pattison
Build a reputation early in your career as someone who gets things done and you'll always have a job.
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Mary Sargent
Never stop asking questions. This advice has guided me through my transition into tech and my current role as a product designer.
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Jessica Bell
Fake it till you make it is about confidence not skills - you don't have to be the best developer in the room but be confident in your ability to learn.
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Sarah Valerio
My grandmother, Betty Valerio was a barrier-breaker in politics, and I remember a plaque on her desk that said “Women run for office, not coffee.”
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Sara Akbar
Who or what motivates you? I am the director of government affairs for Oracle, which provides leading-edge capabilities in software as a service, platform as a service, infrastructure as a service, and data as a service. When I think about what drives me, it is to challenge the status quo. I strongly support opportunity and […]
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Amelia Friedman
For me, communities are everything.
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One team one mission......... It is key for me to manage the emotions of each member of my team
- Theresa Adade
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Melissa Quinn
While the transition, and the unknown around the transition, was hard at first, the open mindedness and willingness to try (and, of course, potentially fail) was the pivotal point for me. It made me realize that what's important for me is taking chances and being willing to live not necessarily according to my plan but rather according to my values and having trust in those who guide me.
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Kamila Thigpen
It is important to be able to be a jack of all trades and have a lot of diverse experience but you need to have balance. You need to focus or it can burn you out.
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Kaitlyn Bivin
I want young girls to know that they don’t have to fit into a box to be successful. I want them to know that I’m proud of them for taking a risk.
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Jessica Barrett
There have been so many people along my professional journey thus far who have helped me and that's what I think has been so awesome about it. I've been encouraged by and learned from people who I've met in so many different contexts.
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Jen Consalvo
Don't let anyone disregard you. Stand up tall, speak with conviction and know that you have something valuable to offer.
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There is so much support open to you once you realize what it is you want to do. Also know that you can always do what you love-you never are out of time.
- Jeehye Pak
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Gulnaz Khusainova
Work hard. Nothing can be achieved without hard work.
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Faye Holland
To be truly successful we need an inclusive mix of all people that are users of technology and have empathy to what the ultimate objective of a particular technology is.
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Eti Nachum
Once you realize how much influence you can have in this industry, you can really go forward and succeed.
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Emily Yukich
The women of WinLAVA inspire me. They are strong, focused, true to themselves and their visions.
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Emily Tucker
But when 9/11 happened, everything changed.I took a good, hard look at my life and realized I wanted to do more than be a technology executive. I wanted to use technology and the skills I had learned in the private sector to make the world a better place.
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Eileen Kessler
For me, the magical quality— seeing an idea take shape and the effect it has in the world— are key motivators. I see technology as a tool to achieve good things. No matter whether the tool is analog or digital, you need people who are creative and intentional to use these tools to transform ideas into worthwhile products.
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Dianna Colasurdo
"Never doubt yourself and always believe that you are smart enough to exceed even your own expectations!"
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Deitra Jackson
It is important that we are not afraid of technology.
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Davar Ardalan
Today, we can meet and mentor around hashtags and use the digital space to give power to our voices.
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The computer screen has no gender.
- Danielle Coughlin
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Take the time you need for yourself. And wherever you are in your digital journey, you're exactly where you should be.
- Carol Hansen, Mapbox
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Never say 'I just can't keep up', rather look at it as an opportunity to always learn something new.
- Brianna Vaughn
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Beth Cone Kramer
Find your passion and apply technology to make it happen.
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"Listen to... advice, but ultimately do what feels right and consistent with your own values and goals."
- Annie Webber
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Do yourself a favor and make a steady and conscious effort to connect with the most diverse group of people possible.
- Alice Merchant
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Allie Smith
Women need to believe that any door is open to you if pound on it hard and long enough.
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Don’t undersell yourself – it will affect you and your work.
- Alexxis Isaac
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Alexandra Ximenez
Right now we have amazing tools to (learn) for free, and a network of great people that definitely would be glad to help you or guide you.
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It’s wonderfully surprising how much people are willing to help and asking people for help has guided me tremendously. Now that I feel I have some knowledge I want to pay it forward and give back.
- Adelia Curtis Duarte
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Acecia Thomas-Baker
Stay relevant, keep improving and innovating. Never stop learning. This industry is changing and dont be afraid to take on the challenge.
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"Don't be afraid to be a gamechanger."
- Devika Rao
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Never say 'I just can't keep up', rather look at it as an opportunity to always learn something new.
- Brianna Vaughn
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Keep creating. Keep thinking and keep pushing the limits – innovation is essential, and is only possible if we continue ask, 'what’s next?'
- Jessica Cola-Pinto
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Dana Marlowe
It is a false perception that the sciences and technology are a male dominated field, and in my field of accessibility, we strive for inclusivity. I’m hoping that not only women, but those with disabilities realize their tremendous voice in technology innovation.
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Elizabeth Hoffler
Be fearless in promoting the issues you are passionate about...Always ask yourself “what is the worst that can happen?”
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Gayle Hutchens
Never, at any time in history, has there been more parity for woman. The digital culture is not cut along gender lines, because technology and the digital culture is based on ideas, solutions, and innovation.
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There are opportunities for everyone who wants to have a place in the digital culture.
- Maria Arnone
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Paige Howarth
"Don't be afraid to make a lateral career move." Give yourself time learn the industry or skill set you need to crush it.
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